Fibre Quality​​
Long staple fibre produces the highest quality, longer fibre creates stronger and finer yarns.​
Yarn Size
The higher the yarn size the finer the yarn. Two ply yarns with a very high yarn size make a product that is not weighty or blanket-like.
The singeing process burns off tiny fuzz that can later develop into pilling on your sheets. Mercerizing is a treatment conducted under tension to increase strength, luster and affinity for dye.
Thread Count & Construction
Thread count is SIMPLY the number of threads per square inch of fabric. These consist of vertical and horizontal threads woven together. Construction refers to how the thread count is achieved.
Tensile Strength
It is important that the strength of the fabric is of an ISO or other international tearing strength standard that can withstand harsh laundering conditions.
During the sanforising process, the fibres of the cotton fabric are stretched both in length and width so that the cloth that is washed and dried will shrink less.